IEEE Electron Devices Society welcomes you to the 6th edition of IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), to be held in-person in Bangalore from Dec 11th to Dec 14th. We would like to invite you for your whole-hearted participation to leverage a successful 4-days conference through various technical and rump sessions, industry-academia sessions, plenary talks, and policy sessions by distinguished personalities in the broad field of semiconductor technologies. We are also committed to do our best to provide a safe, comfortable, and memorable conference for all attendees and a hassle-free travel to India. This conference will help build a strong alliance among the students, researchers, and industry globally. On this note, we look forward to your great contributions and seeing you in-person, in Dec 2022 – General Chair, 6th IEEE ICEE (Read More)
Plenary Talks

Mr. Sameer Pendharkar
Vice President, Technology Development and TI Senior Fellow at Texas Instruments

Dr. Alessandro Curioni
IBM Fellow, Vice President, IBM, Europe & Africa and Director, IBM Research, Zurich, Switzerland

Mr. Balajee Sowrirajan
Vice President, Samsung Electronics & MD Samsung Semiconductor R&D, India
Keynote Speakers

Mr. Anand Ramamoorthy
Managing Director & Vice President,Micron, India

Dr. Carlos Castro
Vice President & General ManagerNexperia, Germany

Dr. Primit Parikh
Co-Founder & President,Transphorm Inc., USA

Dr. Julio Costa
Sr. Vice President & CTO (RF)GlobalFoundries, USA

Dr. Milind Kulkarni
President, PV Manufacturing,Reliance Industries, India
Key Dates
Call For Papers

Submission Opens

Submission Closes

Acceptance of Oral and
Poster Papers

Full Length Paper Submission
and Copyright Transfer Deadline

October 31st
November 5th
Author and Speaker Registration

October 25th
November 5th
Technical Program Announcement

October 31st
November 10th
Early Bird Registration Deadline

11th –14th

Registration for 6th International Conference on
Emerging Electronics 2022 is now open!
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